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A Telepathic Message Received from the New Earth

Writer's picture: Zenobia HongZenobia Hong

Little did I know at the time that what was about to get revealed to me was a prophecy, tale as old as time.

The insights and revelations I'm about to share in this introductory chapter could have easily belonged to the realms of science fiction, which for years, led me to share it cautiously, mindful of how it might be received by those less receptive to such concepts. Frankly, at the time, I lacked the qualifications and interest to have fabricated such data on the trajectory of humanity and our planet. I was an aspiring fashion designer that was more concerned about the latest trends rather than the future of humanity. Whether channeled or emanating from my Higher Self, the source of who provided me with such vision remains vague, although I have my theories. Without any opening credits, a telepathic projection onto my mind began with a vision, like a movie that began to automatically play. This was not a mere figment of imagination but a vivid visual and cognizant journey that unfolded before my inner eye–a tableau of humanity and earth’s past, present, and future. Although devoid of verbal dialogue, the visuals conveyed a telepathic understanding, as if thoughts were being directly formed in my mind, executed with remarkable flow and efficiency—simple, coherent, and comprehensible for such grand subject in such limited amount of time. It was clear that the intention behind the vision was about getting the message accross rather than the messenger(s). Little did I know at the time that what was about to get revealed to me was a prophecy, tale as old as time.

The Vision

Drained from another chaotic day at fashion school, I found myself squeezed into the only available seat on a crowded subway car for a quick rest during the brief thirteen-minute train ride back home. As soon as I went in for a quick shut-eye, my head suddenly got gently locked into what I can only describe as a subtle trance, tender yet firm. The visual narrative began against a black void—a timeline started to roll out into infinity, chronicling the entirety of human evolution from past to present, traversing the principal stages of human evolution, echoing Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. Our early ancestors sole purpose was to survive and we are alive today thanks to their will to survive up until this point. This primal fear-driven response developed the necessary physiological and psychological tools to survive life-threatening situations and dangers. Hence, operating from Survival Mode is deeply rooted in our evolutionary biology. We are the product of billions of years in the making through natural selection that has safeguarded us from the perils of the wild, allowing us to stay in safety and comfort. 

Today, most of us have more than the basics of survival met—food, shelter, companionship and more, a true luxury to have everything readily available without the threat of predatory beasts at our doorsteps. Operating from this fight-or-flight mode in today’s modern society creates a massive imbalance and disconnect between our internal and external worlds—a highly unsustainable mechanism setting the stage for a looming worldwide catastrophe. Just like how anything that expires becomes toxic, this outdated mode has become the root cause of both individual and collective turmoil and anguish such as greed, wars, political corruption, depression, obesity, and other mental and physical health crises just to name a few. While it may seem like we are thriving from the outside, just like how weed grows back if not pulled from the root, if we do not heal and fix what is on the inside, the future of humanity will crumble as fast as it was built. The degradation of our environment serves as one of the glaring consequence of this survival gear we are stuck in. 

This is a quantum jump on a planetary scale, much like a scale tipping from the last single drop, our planet’s shift necessitates only high enough frequencies to “tip over” onto a new paradigm.

The vision continued with the Earth’s axes shifting, represented through the shifting of the alloy bracket of a globe, symbolizing, what they referred to as the Tipping Point or the Shift, emphasizing that we are currently residing within a critical timeframe, where a massive shift is imminent. This representation conveyed that our transition into the next evolutionary stage is a leap or a jump rather than the typical gradual evolution in a natural order. From the eyes of a human’s life, this can sometimes be difficult to see or feel because but if we zoom out onto the macro scale of humanity's entire historical timeline, this is the first shift of its kind in terms of magnitude and speed. Just like how a few long days may feel lengthy in the moment, in the broader context of a lifetime, it’s a blip. This is a quantum jump on a planetary scale, much like a scale tipping from the last single drop, our planet’s shift necessitates only high enough frequencies to “tip over” onto a new paradigm. This forthcoming stage might no longer bear the title of "Humans”, just like we no longer call ourselves “Homo Habilis”.

The vision ended by granting me to peak through the future of Earth, greeted by a transluscent light being, lean and long, radiating the essence of light in brightness and density, or the lack-of. This being gave me a tour of what the future of  Earth looked like. Words fail to capture the profound harmony I saw and felt. Until this day, I cannot say for sure if the being was the future of the evolved human, or if this was the being that had been giving me the vision or perhaps, both. In this state, I was made to understand that our own evolution made the rest of the earth evolve as well—such as the animal and vegetation kingdoms, into a blossoming biodiversity of flourishment and abundance. 

My research eventually traced back to the Bible, the Book of Revelations, where this prophecy heralds the birth of a New Heaven— Heaven, it's said, resides within us, manifesting outwardly from this higher consciousness.

It was my train stop and I gently opened my eyes from this vision that felt like an eternity but only lasted thirteen minutes. In disbelief and in a slight state of shock from what I had just witnessed, I ran home and immediately began writing everything down so not to forget every detail of the vision. Soon after, as I began researching more about this phenomenon over the years. As I started piece the various perspectives all converging to describe the same ultimate message, I found together, I began to have a more complete understanding picture. My research eventually traced back to the Bible, the Book of Revelations, where this prophecy heralds the birth of a New Heaven— Heaven, it's said, resides within us, manifesting outwardly from this higher consciousness. Yet, this transformation commences within each individual. Earth has began to undergo a metamorphosis— a serpent shedding its old skin for renewal, shedding the vestiges of the old paradigm to make way for the New.  Despite the obvious challenges of our time, I became in awe at the realization of being alive and to be able participate and witness the most monumental time in history of Earth—the unfolding of this ancient prophecy known as the New Earth.

 Only life from your higher self can you bring about your higher purpose. We now find ourselves at a crossroads in our evolution. The choices we make, who we choose to be, what we do, in this transitional phase hold immense power. They will determine whether we propel forward in our evolution or downward spiral towards self-destruction.  

For a while, I struggled with what “they” meant by finding a new Purpose to replace the Survival mode. It was only once I had gone through years of my own Initiatic Path, spiritual maturation, study, research, and life experience of life full of lessons that I began to understand what they meant by Purpose. We are being asked to change the core of our Purpose, which for many, is still Survival based—towards one of choice, one towards awakening, expansion, evolution, potential, one that isn’t bound by the patterns of the past but one that has transcended them in order to create new ones, a new story, a new reality, a new timeline. Only life from your higher self can you bring about your higher purpose. We now find ourselves at a crossroads in our evolution. The choices we make, who we choose to be, what we do, in this transitional phase hold immense power. They will determine whether we propel forward in our evolution or downward spiral towards self-destruction.  

Presently, Earth hosts an unprecedented number of souls who all came to play a part in bringing about the New Earth, each with unique roles but unified by a shared purpose. A palpable momentum is underway and our collective journey remains steadfast. It is our destiny to transition to this new phase as a collective, yet it is also our responsibility to make it happen. We are the co-creators of both Earth and the cosmos. To usher in the New Earth, we must first embark on the journey of true self-transformation. We are Earthlings, we are Earth.



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